Statement of Support

Girdwood Community Land Trust

Statement of Support

To Whom It May Concern:

As a resident of Girdwood, we acknowledge that housing is a challenge for many service workers within our valley. The Girdwood Community Land Trust Board of Directors agree that workforce employees are a vital part of our local economy and it is essential to establish long-term opportunities to be part of Girdwood’s community permanently.

Land is scarce in Girdwood and the trend in cost has increased year over year. In addition to housing, food security is of high importance in transitioning to a more sustainable and healthier environment. It is the intent of the board to set apart land for food growing opportunities.

I am signing this letter in support of Girdwood Community Land Trust and their efforts to secure land for their mission: “To manage land for community and economic development needs, with the intent of preserving affordability, in trust for the benefit of Girdwood.”

Since Heritage Land Bank is the owner/manager of close to 5000 acres in Girdwood, I am in support of roughly 1% of this land being transferred to Girdwood Community Land Trust, a Girdwood based non-profit who invites all members of the Girdwood community to participate in their meetings.

Thank you,

Girdwood Resident




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GCLT Presentation & Community Engagement:


Girdwood Recycle Project